Wisdom Teeth
Stress-free wisdom teeth extraction
At Yam Dental, we understand that some patients may be fearful to have their wisdom teeth removed. That’s why we take the time to fully explain our process and work to ensure you that we’ll make your removal surgery as comfortable as possible.
Below are just some of the frequently asked questions our patients wish to learn more about:
When do wisdom teeth erupt?
Wisdom teeth typically erupt in your teen years. They should be monitored and assessed to see if removal is needed. Sometimes, wisdom teeth can cause pain, damage to adjacent teeth, and increase the chance of crowding other teeth.
When should wisdom teeth be removed?
It is most favourable to remove wisdom teeth between the ages of 17 to 21 years old, because at this age, the roots probably have not fully formed, making removal easier. Also, the recovery after extraction in teen years is much quicker. A specialized x-ray, called a panoramic x-ray, is taken and assessed by the dentist or oral surgeon to determine the complexity of the extraction.
Will I be asleep during the removal?
Sedation with laughing gas (nitrous oxide) can be provided during the removal of these teeth. Local anaesthetic is given to numb the areas, so nothing can be felt. If the teeth are impacted, an incision may be required as well as stitches to close the area. If the tooth has erupted normally, there is usually no need for stitches.
What is the recovery like?
After removal of the wisdom teeth, it is recommended that someone to drive you home. Your mouth will remain frozen for several more hours and you should rest. Ice should be applied within the first 24 hours, to aid in reducing any swelling. To help alleviate pain, a prescription for painkillers will be provided. A follow-up visit is usually scheduled to monitor healing of the areas.
Post-Surgical Instructions
Bite on gauze for 15 minutes, and then no gauze for 15 minutes (to be repeated as required) to stop bleeding.
Do not rinse your mouth for the first day as this will promote bleeding.
Rinsing with warm salt-water rinses should begin 48 hours after extraction and only after bleeding has stopped.
Mild bleeding, or oozing, is not uncommon for the first 48 hours. Biting on the gauze that has been provided will help a clot to form in the area. A moistened tea bag can be used in substitution for the gauze.
Swelling is to be expected in certain cases, often reaching its maximum after forty-eight hours, then disappearing spontaneously in a further two to three days. An ice bag may be applied during the first 24 hours.
Take prescriptions as advised. Do not take ASA (aspirin) as it thins the blood, and can increase bleeding.
Soft foods and plenty of liquid are recommended.
Bruising sometimes occurs, and will dissipate in the coming days. This bruising may show up right away, or even days after the extraction.
If you have any problems or concerns, please contact our Newmarket dental office at (905) 836-0836 as soon as possible.