Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD)
Do you have a sore jaw and face? We can help.
At Yam Dental, our professional and talented team can assess and treat your uncomfortable and painful Temporomandibular Joint Disorder issues and symptoms.
Signs and symptoms of TMD:
Headaches, particularly in the morning
Pain or tenderness of the jaw muscles
Pain or tenderness in and around the ear and the face
Clicking, popping, crunching or grinding noise when opening or closing the mouth
Difficulty or pain in chewing, yawning or opening wide
Neck pain
Earache in the absence of an ear infection
Possible Causes of TMD:
Bruxism (teeth grinding and clenching)
Jaw injuries
Joint disease
Head and muscle tension
Ill fitting dentures
Treatments of TMD:
Very often, patients with TMD get better by themselves.
Cold or warm compresses can be applied to ease sore jaw muscles.
Avoid eating hard, sticky and chewy foods including chewing gum
Eat a soft diet and cut food up into small pieces.
Try not to open the mouth too wide when you yawn
Relax your jaw muscles
How can the dentists help?
The diagnosis includes a thorough examination and dental x-rays by the dentists. Sometimes, study models (molds of your teeth) are needed to obtain a record of your chewing and biting pattern.
See our Guards page for more information on night guards and teeth grinding.
Conservative treatments include:
Counselling and relaxation therapy
Medication to relieve pain, inflammation or tense muscles
Correcting the way the teeth fit together
Wearing a grinding appliance or night guard
Call us today at (905) 836-0836 for a no charge consultation to learn how we can help you with your sore jaw.