Artificial teeth that compliment your smile
Whether you have lost one tooth or multiple teeth, our dentists at Yam Dental can create beautiful denture smiles with natural looking teeth that compliment your face.
Dentures are removable and can be made of a number of materials based on your specific needs. We offer different types of dentures, and our dentists will make one that best suits your needs.
Conventional Complete Dentures
Conventional complete dentures are made when all the teeth from the upper or lower arch, or both, are missing, after the gum tissues have healed. These dentures rest on your gums.
Implant Supported Complete Dentures
Dental implants supported dentures are made to keep dentures in place and let you go about your daily lives with confidence.
An implanted supported complete denture is recommended when the patient does not have any teeth in the upper or lower, or both jaws, but have enough bone to support dental implants. These dentures typically have special attachments to snap onto the implants. Implanted supported complete dentures provide unparalleled stability for chewing and allow for a more natural look and feel.
Immediate Dentures
Immediate dentures are placed at the same visit with your extraction appointment. The new teeth are prepared ahead of time so that you are not without teeth during the healing time. Very often, dental reline procedures are needed to refit the lining of the denture to the final healed tissues of the mouth.
Partial Dentures
Partial dentures are fabricated when only one or a few teeth are missing in the upper or lower arch and are supported by using the adjacent teeth as anchors.
My denture is loose, is this normal?
Through time, the bone and tissues underneath the denture may shrink, and a denture reline may be necessary to make the denture fit like brand new again.
Do I need to clean my denture?
Definitely. Dentures should be cleaned ideally after every meal to keep them from permanent staining, tartar build up, and bad breath. If possible, brushing the dentures and your own teeth are advised to removed debris trapped underneath the dentures after meals. Tooth paste that are non-abrasive and over the counter denture cleaners may be used to soak the dentures overnight to keep them clean.
Should I wear my dentures when I sleep at night?
Unless otherwise stated, it is recommended not to wear the denture when you sleep at night to allow the gum tissues to breathe, and to alleviate the pressure on your gum and bones so that you can keep them for longer and healthier.
Please feel free to contact Yam Dental, our dentist office in Newmarket, at (905) 836-0836 for any questions you may have about dentures.